
The following details the positions to be opened within the network activities, that will last for four years starting on January 1rst, 2005.

The specified duration refers to the period of the contract to be financed by the European Commission. Depending on the availability of funds at each of the relevant nodes, predoctoral and postdoctoral positions might be offered for longer periods. Candidates are advised to check such possibilities with the contact person of the relevant node, whose e-mail address is reported below in brackets, and/or in the relevant web page.

We remember that Early Stage means a pre-doctoral position, while Experienced means a postdoctoral position.

Between parentheses, the indicative number of contracts to be opened.

  1. SISSA-Trieste: [falqui_AT_fm.sissa.it]
  2. ETH-Zürich: [felder_AT_math.ethz.ch]
  3. Oxford: [lmason_AT_maths.ox.ac.uk]
  4. Paris-LPTHE [babelon_AT_lpthe.jussieu.fr]
  5. UC-Louvain [vanmoerbeke_AT_math.ucl.ac.be]
  6. KTH-Stockholm [hoppe_AT_math.kth.se]
  7. IC_London: [j.gibbons_AT_ic.ac.uk]
  8. ENS-Paris: [Serguei.Barannikov_AT_ens.fr]
  9. Loughborough: [A.P.Veselov_AT_lboro.ac.uk]
  10. TU-Berlin: [bobenko_AT_math.tu-berlin.de]

Last modified: Wed Jan 19 12:31:13 CET 2005