The Partners

The ENIGMA network activities are structured into working teams. The teams are based at the Network nodes, but have a significant component made by groups and individuals based at other Institutions. The working groups are:

Italy Flag
1) SISSA Mathematical Physics Sector U. Bruzzo, B. Dubrovin, G. Falqui, B. Fantechi, T. Grava, C. Reina (SISSA-Trieste) L. Göttsche, T.R. Ramadas, Le Dung Trang (ICTP Trieste), F. Magri, P. Lorenzoni (Milano), M. Pedroni (Bergamo), C. Bartocci (Genova), S. Benenti (Torino), Y. Zhang (Bejing), L. Martinez Alonso, M. Mañas (Madrid), S. Abenda (Bologna), A. Panasyuk (Warsaw), L. Chekhov (Moscow).
Switzerland Flag
2) Department of Mathematics, ETH Zurich G. Felder (ETH), A. Cattaneo, T. Kappeler (Zurich University), M. Bordemann (Mulhouse), L. Fehér (Szeged), R. Loja Fernandes (Lisbon), T. Ratiu (Lausanne).
UK Flag
3) Mathematical Institute, Oxford P. Candelas, A. Dancer, N. Hitchin, L. Mason, G. Segal, P. Tod, G. Wilson, N. Woodhouse (Oxford) G. Carlet, M. Dunaiski, A. S. Fokas (Cambridge), M. Mazzocco (Manchester), B. Pelloni (Reading) N. Snaith (Bristol)
France Flag
4) Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et des Hautes Energies, UPMC Paris
O Babelon, F. Smirnov, M. Talon, C.-M. Viallet, J.-B. Zuber (LPTHE) M. Bauer, D. Bernard, P. Di Francesco, B. Eynard, I. Kostov, (SPhT, Saclay), P. Zinn-Justin (LPTMS, Orsay)
Belgium Flag 5) UCL Mathematic Department L. Haine, P. van Moerbeke (Louvain) R. Dijkgraaf (Amsterdam), A. Kuijlaars (Leuven), W. Sarlet (Gent), J. Van de Leur (Utrecht), S. Kamvissis (Athens), E. Horozov (Sofia), P. Damianou (Nicosia), M. Adler (Brandeis), A. Okounkov (Princeton).
Sweden Flag
6) KTH-Mathematics J. Hoppe, K. Johansson, E. Langmann, A. Laptev (KTH) A. Constantin, T. Guhr (Lund), A. Niemi (Uppsala)
UK Flag
7) Imperial College Mathematics Department Y. Chen, K. Costello, D. Crowdy, J.N. Elgin, M. Feigin, J. Gibbons, D. D. Holm (IC-London) R. Camassa (Chapel Hill)
France Flag
8) Department de Mathématiques et Applications, ENS Paris S. Barannikov, P. Biane, P. Boalch, E. Brezin, V. Kazakov (ENS-Paris) M. Audin (Strasbourg), C. Hertling (Bonn), P. Vanhaecke (Poiters)
UK Flag
9) Department of Mathematical Sciences Loughborough University E. V. Ferapontov, R. Halburd, A. P. Veselov (Lboro) V. B. Kuznetsov (Leeds), E.K. Sklyanin (York), A. Sergeev (Balakovo)
Group web page
Germany Flag
10) Mathematisches Institut, Fakultät 2, TU Berlin A. Bobenko, T. Hoffmann, B. Pinkall, Yu. Suris (TUB) J. Poeschel (Stuttgart), M. Praehofer, H. Spohn (Munchen), V. Enolskii (Kiev)

The network will also benfit from the active collaboration of members of the following two American Institutions:

University of California at Davis: A. Tracy, B. Nachtergaele, A. Schwarz, A. Soshnikov.

University of California at Berkeley: E. Frenkel, A. Givental, F.A. Grübaum, N. Reshetikhin.

Network Organization

The managing structure of the network comprises the network co-ordinator, the scientists in charge, and the Steering Committee which includes, along with the Co-ordinator and the Scientists in charge of each node, a restricted number of other scientists.

The network coordinator monitors all the scientific and training components of the network life, in order to ensure that steady progress is made towards the achievements of the objectives of the Network.

The Scientist in Charge overviews the recruitment of YRs at his node, and, subsequently, assigns the scientific supervisor to every hired YR. He is also the supervisor of the organization of the activities related with the network events scheduled to take place at his/her node, and is responsible for the production and delivery of the annual reports, both scientific and financial.

The Steering Committee is responsible for the scientific activity of the Network. It coordinates the organization of conferences in the area and takes the strategic decisions that concern the Network as a whole. In particular, the Steering Committee monitors the hiring decisions of various teams and the training activities of the Network. It is also responsible for setting up contingency plans concerning possible changes in the schedule of the networkwide events, as well as for possible adjustment in the breadown of the funds allocated to the different partners, should difficulties in the recruitment process arise, or under any other unexpected circumstance. The Steering Committee includes, along with the Scientists in Charge, a restricted number of "Theme Supervisors", up to three scientists for each of the three Main research themes of the Network. Furthermore, the Steering Committee includes a female scientist whose specific task will be to monitor hiring decisions with respect to gender aspects, promote a better gender balance in our field, and suggest possible concrete actions to be taken to ensure gender equity in the network.

Olivier Babelon LPTHE-ParisScientist in Charge node 4
Sergei Barannikov ENS-Paris Scientist in Charge node 8
Alexander Bobenko TU-Berlin Scientist in Charge node 10
Adrian Constantin Lund Supervisor Theme C
Robbert Dijkgraaf Amsterdam Supervisor Theme B
Boris Dubrovin SISSA-Trieste Supervisor Theme A
Gregorio Falqui SISSA-Trieste Network Coordinator and Scientist in Charge node 1
Giovanni Felder ETH-Zurich Scientist in Charge node 2
John Gibbons IC-London Scientist in Charge node 7
Claus Hertling Bonn Supervisor Theme A
Nigel Hitchin, FRS Oxford Supervisor Theme A
Darryl Holm IC-London Supervisor Theme C
Jens Hoppe KTH-Stockholm Scientist in Charge node 6
Lionel Mason Oxford Scientist in Charge node 3
Marta Mazzocco Manchester Supervisor gender issues
Pierre van Moerbecke UC-Louvain Scientist in Charge node 5 and Supervisor Theme B
Herbert Spohn Muenchen Supervisor Theme C
Alexander Veselov Loughborough Scientist in Charge node 9
Jean-Bernard Zuber LPTHE-Paris Supervisor Theme B