Title Venue Info contact person
Workshop "Geometry and Integrability" Obergurgl, Austria
December 13-20, 2008
Workshop "Geometry and Integrability" gi08[at]math.tu-berlin.de
ENIGMA Conference
"Integrable Systems, Geometry, Matrix Models and Applications"
October 14-18, 2008
Integrable Systems, Geometry, Matrix Models and Applications enigma08_AT_sissa.it
ENIGMA Conference
"Geometry, Integrability and Twistor theory"
June 24-27, 2008
Geometry, Integrability and Twistor theory geotwist_AT_damtp.cam.ac.uk
"Quantum Integrability"
Lalonde les Maures
October 14-19, 2007
Quantum Integrability
Integrable systems conference Brussels
September 11-15, 2007
Random and integrable models in mathematics and physics RIMMP_AT_hzs.be
ENIGMA Conference on Mathematical Physics KTH Stockholm
June 24-28, 2007
ENIGMA MathPhys2007 hoppe_AT_kth.se
Midsummer School "Aspects of Membrane Dynamics" KTH Stockholm
June 11-22, 2007
Membrane Dynamics 2007 hoppe_AT_kth.se
Workshop Loughborough
April 21-23, 2007
Tropical Geometry A.P.Veselov@lboro.ac.uk
"Random Matrices" conference Centre International de Rencontres Mathematiques (CIRM) Luminy, France, October 30- November 3 2006 Random Matrices 2006 arno_AT_wis.kuleuven.be
Network and INI Workshops on Painlevé Equations and Monodromy Problems. Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge (UK), 11 - 15 and 18 - 22 September 2006 Educational Workshop (slides)
Research Workshop (slides)
Integrable Systems in Applied Mathematics Colmenarejo (Madrid) 7-12 September 2006 IntSyst & ApplMath luism_AT_eucmos.sim.ucm.es
MISGAM Workshop on Riemann Surfaces - Analytical and Numerical Methods Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
May 31 - June 02, 2006
Riemann Surfaces rluebkemis_AT_mpg.de
Network Conference on Riemann-Hilbert Problems, Integrability and Asymptotics SISSA-Trieste, 20-25 September, 2005 Conference on Riemann-Hilbert Problems, Integrability and Asymptotics rhpia05_AT_fm.sissa.it (Conference e-address)
Also: dubrovin_AT_sissa.it falqui_AT_sissa.it grava_AT_sissa.it
Workshop on Selected Topics of Modern Mathematical Physics Euler Institute, St.Petersburg June 27th - July 3rd, 2005 Selected Topics of Modern Mathematical Physics kulish_AT_pdmi.ras.ru, novikova_AT_pdmi.ras.ru
Network Workshop on Random Matrices and Other Random Objects FIM-ETH-Zurich 17-21 May 2005 RandomMatrices felder_AT_math.ethz.ch
MISGAM Workshop on "Geometry and Integrable Systems" Berlin, 3-7 June 2005 Geometry and Integrable Systems bobenko_AT_math.tu-berlin.de